Precision Services, constantly checks competitor’s prices and aims to be on the low end of the average. We run an efficient office and typically keep our caregivers and clients happy for a long time so it allows us to keep our prices down and our service up.
Email us or call us and we will be happy to send you our rate card or put together a customized rate for your personal situation. If you would like to give us a try and you think someone else is offering the same kind of service for cheaper please feel free to discuss it with us. We will do everything we can to match a comparable service.
Other Agencies Charge Less
Yes it is true. You may find a few other agencies that charge less than we do. And there is a reason for that. These agencies may not be providing some of the important services you need: For example:
© 2014 Precision Healthcare Services. All rights reserved.
Address: 12672 Limonite ave STE 3E #416, Eastvale, CA, 92880 - 4208
Precision Healthcare Services is Equal Opportunity Employer and Drug Free Workplace
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